Friday, April 20, 2012

Clam Hunting

On Cortes Claire and I went clam hunting. We went to an inlet that earlier that day had looked like the ocean, and it was completely drained and covered in shells. We started by periodically squatting and sifting through the surface shells, but we weren't finding much and they were all pretty small. Through discussing our previous experiences with shelled fish (including one time in Indonesia where I put small ones in my bathing suit top only to discover later they are actually alive) we logically deduced their location! We stopped right where we were and started digging around with oyster shells. Turns out they burrow and are everywhere! Big ones too! Then it became the most fun ever. It felt like we were on a psychedelic trip, the environment was so surreal. If you looked when squatting, you could see little tiny spouts of water squirting at random as far as the eye could see. I have found my new passion in life and career.


After we were done we came across this magical family. They looked so perfect in the waning light, I chased after them and asked for a picture.


  1. i love your blog. I started reading it when you posted your LA stuff then read the entire thing. Your art is amazing and its so fun to read. Yay! Bonnie

    1. Cool! Thanks so much! That's awesome to hear! :) Out of curiosity, how did you even come across the LA stuff?

  2. I love steamed clams. I miss living on the coast. I lived a few hundred miles south, on Humboldt Bay.
